Monday, January 25

A goal... two posts a week

As I sit here, with Jolee sleeping on my lap (finally), I am feeling very overwhelmed by all of the stories and pictures that I want/need to post about. Hmm, deciding what to post about first. So much has happened in the past 2 months. Jolee has grown so much. She is way beyond scooting around, she has mastered crawling and is becoming more apt at causing trouble, leading to the purchase of a child gate. She is now trying to learn to walk (she is not even 8 months yet). She can pull herself up to standing in the blink of an eye and she loves to walk along using the furniture. How can she have grown up so speedily from my tiny (well relatively tiny) infant to this almost toddler. Time seems to be flying by so quickly and I never have enough hours in the day. So here it goes, I am going to try to post at least twice a week on days off and try to talk Randy into posting at least once a week.

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