Saturday, June 28

Long over due update

Okay, so I am sorry for not posting in forever. In my defense, I have spent entirely too much time at work. I am averaging 50+ hours a week lately and it has taken a tole on my attitude. Randy and I decided that I need to spend a bit less time and work and more time relaxing. So I had a massage done on Thursday (I was sick, so I had the day off, no sick nurses allowed at the hospital). Next week is our 4th anniversary and we are going to Mesa. We are staying at the Westgate Painted Mountain Golf Resort (East Mesa). Our plan is too spend as much time as possible at the Temple (horray!) and then the rest of the time relaxing and swimming, etc. I am so excited.

I am soooooooo glad that Randy is home from scout camp. Here is a picture of what he looked like when he got home.

Randy went to church the next Sunday without shaving and the bishop teased him saying that he must be the most exhausted of the leaders because he was the only one who was too tired to shave. It was actually my fault that he didn't shave because I decided it was time for him to grow a beard. He is bad at shaving daily (he is at home most days doing homework) and I am getting sick of being kissed "by a porcupine" (Randy said that). My face is often red and hurting because of his prickles (I refer to it as kissing really rough sandpaper). So I thought, at least the beard will be softer. Randy was glad the bishop teased him so that he could shave and I wouldn't fight it. Oh well, if I show up and my face around my lips are red, you know we have been making out. I am brutely honest, what can I say? :)
Oh, during Randy's time at scout camp I kidnapped one of my good friends and coworkers, Christy Rauch (aka Nurse Slaughter, Slaughter is her maiden name, how much better can that be). Randy warned us not to stay up talking all night, but we must have not been listening. Thanks Christy for the slumber party! The rest of the week I worked, worked, worked. Thank-you to all who offered to have me over. I definately wanted to take you up on the offer, but I would have felt bad showing up at 8pm and leaving at 5am.
Hmmmm, what else happened? Randy has been loving observing at the school. He has fallen in love with the cuteness, silliness and goofiness of kindergartners (sp?) and he is planning on possibly being a kindergartner teacher instead of special ed, but we will see what he decides, he has a lot of time left. Also, he had a interview with NAU to get into their program. We are still waiting to find out the verdict.
Randy says that this is long enough for now and he wants me to go with him to pick up the car (I will tell you that story later.)

Fly Fishing

My grandfather loved to fly fish and when I saw this, I instantly thought of him. I miss you Grandpa Mortensen!

Wednesday, June 25

Online courses

Well good news, the sever is up and running again, however the bad news is that the most recent backup that would work was last thursday. So now I get to do two weeks of homewrok for four classes BUMMER!!! I am stressed and and depressed. All of the homework, exams, and discussions have to be re submitted, or redone completley. oh well I geuss what can you do, huh! You all have fun while I am trying to do two weeks of homework in two to three days.  Randy

Tuesday, June 24

Better Gas Mileage

As most of you know Sarah and I have been working really hard at losing wieght. I thought that I would give you all an update. Sarah is down 20 pounds YEA!!!!!!! and I am down 31.2 YEA!!!!!!. I only have about 11 pounds until I hit my goal wieght. If any of you were wondering if Wieght Watchers works, it does!. Sarah and I are living proof.


That is not a relaxing AH!. It is the scream of frustration and stress. For those of you who do not know, I am taking four online classes tis summer and they happen to be all at the same time. I logged on Monday morning to take an exam, but the server would not allow me to save my answers. AAHH! By Monday afternoon the server was shut down and it has not been up since. Luckily this instructor is extendig due dates until friday, but I have no idea what the other instructors will do. I have no idea what the reading assignments are for this week. The only thing I can do for one class is follow the pattern. The instructor has been pretty consistent with her assignmetns. We have been reading the book chapter by chapter and have been going in order starting with chapter one. We have read two chapters a week, so it is pretty predictable as to what I need to read for that class. I hope that it is up and running by tomorrow. :( !!! FYI this "!" is known as the excited mark. I learned that today from the first graders that I am observing. I thought that I woudl share that little bit of cute humor with you. ENJOY!!!! Randy

Sunday, June 8

Quick Update

I just wanted to post a quick update. I am doing... okay. Alright so I admit I cried a bit when I had to go to bed by myself, but I am much better now. The Licurse are adopting me for today and on Wensday and I have lots of plans to keep busy. Oh, one more thing, I realized that I am terrified of showering when I am home alone. Too many of those scary movies have the girl in the shower and then the scary music starts and then BAM bad guy attacks. My poor dog has been forced to sit in the bathroom while I shower (with the door locked) oh and the cell phone in the bathroom to call the police if the need should arise. All so I can shower. Randy needsd to get home soon or I am going to start to stink. I will update you later because you won't want to be around me. hehe. Okay so I will keep showering, fine. I could hear your grown of disgust through the computer. Bleack.

Saturday, June 7

Finally, the roadrunner dances

I finally got the dancing roadrunner video to load. I hope it sparks some sort of small enjoyment for, as I spent too much time to get it up on the blog.

Going Ons

I have been meaning to post for a while now, but I have been a busy, busy girl. First off, we went camping... in our own backyard. Okay, so not quite out in the woods, but we did spot a "wild" animal.

We also have been shopping and preparing for Randy's week at scout camp. We got him a cot and a sleeping bag, among other things.
Trying it on.
Yep, it fits.
Randy told me that I had to get into to see how comfortable it was. Well, it was too comfortable, I actually feel asleep after lying in it for a minute or two and I didn't have a clue this picture was taken.
You can see my new workout trampoline in the background, we will see how that goes.

We have been feeding the birds. The sparrows and finch don't like the pigeons and when we feed the little wild birds, they keep the pigeons away. Definately worth the cost of the feeder and bird seed.

Some of the seed spilled and we are growing a sunflower and other types of seed.

Our vine has been doing quite nicely.

Randy has been growing a tree or two from seed.
The first tree is starting to get big and has been planted in the ground.
The second tree is still a baby tree.

I went to a baby shower.

Chonkiri has learned to wear pants.

Additional going ons... or on goings...

*No mice!!!!

*We moved the shed, built a patio for the shed, moved the shed back, bought and put together storage shelfs in the shed, and we organized the shed.

*Rearranged the bedroom.

*Went to the movies (Kung Fu Panda is awesome).

*Continued to work on Weight Watchers (Sarah is down 16.8lbs and Randy is down over 20lbs-I can't remember the amount).

*Randy has done a LOT of homework.

*Sarah has worked, gotten frustrated, worked, gotten frustrated, and worked some more.

I guess that is enough for now. I will post again to update you on how I am holding up being away from my hubby. Ciao.

Absolutely Wonderful

So we begin our week apart. I got home from work to a wonderful suprize, Randy had left me notes all over the house. I am definately blessed to have such a loving man for my husband. This will be a long week to be apart. I am so glad that Randy and I are married for not just "til death do you part," but for eternity. It is so comforting to know that we will alway be together. I truly love my Randy!


This week is going to be a hard week for Sarah and I. It will be the first time in four years, since we were married, that we will be spending a night a part. We will not see each other for a week. It is so sad and it makes me want to cry. We have been blessed to not have to do these things. I know most of you who are reading this are probably saying, grow up; but to us it is a very hard thing to do. I love Sarah so much my heart breaks thinking that I will not be able see her for a week. I will be at Scout Camp while she is at home either working or sitting in the house all alone. How sad is that? I guess you could say I am having separation anxiety. I took her lunch today so that we could see each other one last time before I go chase a bunch of 12 year old boys all over the mountain side. I will leave 30 min before she gets off, that is even sadder! When you read this Sarah, Remember tht I love you very much and will be home ASAP!!! Love Randy